Your Happy Family Travel Expert




An explorer at heart

Tina loves to travel. She has lived in Belgium, France and the US, explored South America from Peru to Patagonia, and once walked 500 miles across Spain carrying all her things in a rucksack on her back.

With green fingers

In London you’ll often find Tina in her garden, where she grows vegetables. Every year she enters a competition in her community to see who can grow the best tomatoes. Her next door neighbour always wins!

And eagle eyes

Tina enjoys spotting curious things all over London, from old streets with strange names, like Milk Street, Honey Street and Amen Corner, to mythical beasts on ancient crests, and a miniature art gallery on the Wobbly Bridge.

My Favorite Location?

Parliament Hill for the views

My Guilty Pleasure?

Cooking to loud music

My Favorite Quote?

‘Dance like there’s nobody watching!’ William W Purkey

My Superpower?

The Magic Gardener