Your Happy Family Travel Expert




When she was a child

she wanted to travel the world and marry an exotic prince. After extensive travel, she realized the magical place she was looking for was right under her nose! A Londoner by birth, Sophie now lives in the suburbs of the city, among the deer and squirrels, and never bores of traveling up to the bright lights, theatres, restaurants, culture, and shops.

She put her love of travel

in an office environment, before realizing that life is much more enjoyable in the fresh air. If she can’t always be traveling, then why not spend her days with people that are on holiday? With an insatiable interest in people, she enjoys meeting visitors to London.

She enjoys finding the new

hidden, and frankly quite curious. She likes to find the unique thing that will make for an unforgettable day, whether it be a sumptuous snack, the smell of fresh flowers, or a family shop that has been run for 6 generations. The world is her oyster, and London is the pearl.

My Favorite Location?

Columbia Road Flower Market

My Guilty Pleasure?

Cake for breakfast

My Favorite Quote?

“Work like you don’t need the money. Love like you’ve never been hurt. Dance like nobody’s watching.” -Satchel Paige

My Superpower?
